Stories submitted to BMXTRIX will be evaluated individually for content and any story may be accepted or rejected for any reason.

Additional information on submitting stories can be found below and should be read.


Your Name:
Your e-Mail Address:

Please write story below it will be reviewed then added to the site.





  • You must have written the story yourself - do not copy stories from magazines, videos, or other formats.  This rule pertains to Copyright Law and can not be changed.
  • You agree that upon submission of the story to BMXTRIX that BMXTRIX has full rights to use of the story within the website and for promotion of the site (even if this is in another format).  This is only a license to BMXTRIX and not a forfeiture of your personal copyright of the story.  You agree that BMXTRIX retains the rights to use of this story until such time as BMXTRIX no longer exists.
  • Stories submitted to BMXTRIX here should just be submitted as plain text - do not add HTML to make it look better as it will be stripped away prior to being sent to BMXTRIX.
  • Grammar is critical!!!  If you have problems with English - then write in your native language and the story will be posted that way.  Do not use ALL CAPS - or all lower case.
  • Not all stories will be used on BMXTRIX due to poor quality.  Poor quality is any story that has severe grammatical issues, is not about riding, does nothing but complain, or doesn't provoke any worthwhile thoughts.  It will be up to BMXTRIX to decide which stories will go onto the website.