X-Trials 2001 - Connecticut

Day 0 - Driving & Preparation

Check Out:  Day 1 - Flatland

Check Out:  Day 2 - Vert

Check Out:  Day 3 (?) - Street

There must be something worthwhile that is going to be happening when you look forward to a six hour car drive for only a three day visit.  A slightly short day of the nine-to-five job, then home to pack everything that we need for the trip.  Sunscreen - check, cameras - check, money - check...   Bike?  Oh crap, turn the van around, we forgot the bikes.

Okay, maybe we didn't forget the bikes, but it always feels like you do forget something on these trips and it will be another four hours before we arrive in New Britain, CT and realize what it is that was left at home that will make some aspect of the trip suck.  Oh well.  For now, I am staring out the window at route 95 in New Jersey wondering what the smell is.  Definitely NOT coffee.

Three people are making the journey up to this pro only event with me.  Jason is the 'new' official BMXTRIX photographer and is going to be testing out his new camera.  To make the most of it, I promised that we would get images up every night of the contest so that people could check them out.  He is also the one with the good minivan for the trip and the one who will probably be driving the entire trip... sucker.  TJ, the winner of the IFL beginner contest in New Jersey is also along for the ride with us.  He keeps making us listen to Aphex Twin on the CD player, and Jason keeps thinking of 15 year old girls to help keep himself awake.  It seems to work - he's up.

I get the fun part - I get to stare at a computer screen for two hours making up the templates that will make all this possible.  Some graphics for the main page, a few pages for the daily events, and some coding so that the photos will work the way I want them to.  If you ever find yourself with five hours to kill, start a web page, it will definitely kill it for you.  Nine-thirty now and I'm shutting down until we get there.  What will I do?  Go through ten video tapes to see if I have any that I can use for filming this weekend so that I don't have to find a Best Buy in Bristol.