Andrew Farris Interview

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Let's face it… in the past few years there has been one rider that has really risen to challenge the superiority that has been in effect since Trevor started to compete. Andrew Farris shows up at every contest with a list of tricks that are completely unreal. From the turbined forward death trucks to 180 rollbacks to half cab whoppers, he has a style that is completely unique. With all the interviews that have happened for this site he gave one that was pretty unique… not very talkative. In the end you don't get much more out of this interview than you may have already known about Andrew. At contests though he isn't very talkative so maybe this is all we can hope for. In Ride you may have read a recent interview where he scorches the trick ferrets… But in the end it was less of an interview than it was a short dissertation by Andrew. For me it was a disappointment that given the opportunity to step up and say something for Schwinn or riding or just give some direction or lead with his mouth the way he does when riding that he didn't take that chance. Regardless, it is still Andrew, and he still kicks butt in competition and has added an incredible style to flatland that hasn't been seen in years. Whether he really LIKES to ride… well it is hard to tell.

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~P~ Let's start off with the basics. What's your name, where are you from, your age.

My name is Peter, I'm from Utah, and I'm 35.

~P~ How long have you been riding now?

About two weeks.

~P~ Who are you riding with?

Goofy, Snoopy, and Donald Duck.

~P~ What's your favorite trick is right now?

Ummm… I don't know. My favorite is that half-cab tailwhip thing. But it's not very consistent.

~P~ You're style is crazy original. I know you did the interview in Ride and you're totally into the originality scene. What do you have to say to beginners who are just trying to get into it and figure stuff out.

Just copy everything else… It's easier.

~P~ All the X-Trials this year, you're going to the X-Games this years. Are you going to any other contests?

Whatever I can I'm probably gonna hit.

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~P~ The new bike by Schwinn- What's the deal with that? Is that coming out?

It should. I don't know what the deal is over there. I don't know what's going on with the bike. Hopefully I will get it sometime… before the millenium.

~P~ Did you have any input on the design?

Yeah, it's all me.

~P~ Where do you think flatland is headed for the next few years.

I don't know man. The new format, people seem to like it so who knows… I don't know, it could go either way.

~P~ If or when flatland gets you down is there anything you do to get over your slump.

I shoot heroin usually… NO WAIT>>> DON'T PUT THAT IN THERE…. I usually just hang out, shoot a lot of pool, play foosball.

~P~ What do you think of the flatland coverage on ESPN?

I don't know I don't get ESPN in Canada. I never get to see it.

~P~ Any bad injuries you've ever had riding?

I've had surgery on my elbow. Both my ankles are going to need it in the near future.

~P~ What kind of music are you riding to?

It depends on what kind of mood I'm in. If I'm not to happy or frustrated or I'm tired or whatever it just depends. I go with motivation or demotivation depending on my mood.

~P~ Any particular groups you like?

Not really. Kinda whatever.

~P~ What do you think it takes to get to where you are today as far as flatland riding goes.

I think you've got to watch a lot of videos you know… Make sure you know what everyone else is doing that kinda stuff.

~P~ Anyone you want to say hi to or give props out to.

Uhh… just sport Goofy.

~P~ Alright- thanks.