Jason Brown Interview

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If anyone actually gets the chance to meet and sit down with Jason for a few minutes you will understand quickly why he is one of the coolest people in the sport of frestyle today.  If you get the chance to see him ride then in a minute you will see WHY he is one of the top five ranked pros in the country.   In a recent issue of Ride Magazine he was named by most of the pros as the TOP contest rider that they know.  I would have to say that his consistency is far beyond what any other rider has recognized to date.  For some reason he still hasn't been getting the wins at the ESPN contests.  But for a rider who has won The Worlds... he has no complaints.

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~P~ What's your name, and age?

J.  Jason John Brown, 28

~P~ 28? Ouch!

J.  Yeah.

~P~ How long have you been riding?

J.  I'd say about 14 or 15 years now- I started when I was about 13, I'm 28 so about 15 years.

~P~ What do you think of the ESPN contests? I know you've been riding a lot and you go out and you do a lot of flawless runs and end up getting third or fourth place. What do you think about the other riders that win- any favoritism going on there?

J.  No… Not really. I mean It's a judging sport. Who am I to say that the judges are judging me either right or wrong? So I just go out and do whatever I'm going to do and whatever happens, happens. So I'm pretty happy. I'm happy with today! (second place)

~P~ Oh yeah- you did great today. What's up with Redline?

J.  GT had no money just wanted three riders and dumped most of the team. So I'm going with Redline. I'm designing a bike which should be out in a couple of weeks. Things are cool.

~P~ Any hints about what the new bike is going to be like?

J.  Probably a lot like the one I ride right now (the aluminum GT Show) except not as space aged. I just want a simple design but aluminum.

~P~ A little more durable?

J.  Yeah! I'm not going to rip any head tubes off of this one. (in reference to what he did to the Show)

~P~ Who do you ride with?

J.  Stefan Royer, Steve Fong, Cory Stratychuk, and Travis Collier.

~P~ What's your favorite trick?

J.  Right now- hitchhikers.

~P~ You go to all the X-Trials. Are you going to any other contests this year?

J.  I hope to go to worlds this year. I missed out last year. Kind of sucked. It's my favorite contest. So that's what I'm looking forward to.

~P~ Where do you think flatland is heading?

J.  Just everyone getting crazy good and everything is possible nowadays. I can't wait to see what happens.

~P~ I know you do the Canadians videos, which are some of the best videos I have personally ever seen- good music, good editing. What else do you do when flatland gets you down or with the cold Canadian weather?

J.  Actually, I like to ride ramps, jump trails, and spend a lot of time on the computer, take my dog for walks, and hang out with my girlfriend.

~P~ Trevor or Chase

J.  Chase

~P~ Coke, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, Mr. Pibb?


~P~ What do you think of the flatland coverage on ESPN?

J.  Pretty weak. But I think they are trying to step up this year and show a little more flatland.

~P~ Have you ever had any bad injuries?

J.  I separated my shoulder nose-wheelieing the jump box in Oklahoma. I had to drive home with a separated shoulder.


J.  Hang on- I've gotta go over and talk to the TV guys for a minute… I'll be right back.

Jason goes over and finds out his placing and does a quick interview for ESPN which you will never see because it is ESPN and that's the way they do things.

~P~ SECOND PLACE! Just found out- how do you feel?

J.  I'm totally ecstatic. It's been a long time coming and I'm so stoked!

~P~ How many times did you touch in your run? Did you touch more than once?

J.  I don't know I was asking Effraim (Catlow) cause I couldn't remember cause my head was in the clouds and I didn't know what I was doing. Just making everything up as I was going along. So I don't even remember. I think maybe once or twice.

~P~ Finishing up the interview… What kind of music do you like?

J.  I like everything. I've been through five or six years of hip-hop and punk. Right now I'm listening to a lot of Metallica again and hip-hop.

~P~ You working outside of riding at all?

J.  No, right now I'm able to just ride full-time.

~P~ How much time and dedication do you think it takes to where you are right now?

J.  14 years worth. Minimum of three or four hours a day of practice… Summer I push it up to six. Minimal days off.

~P~ What do you have to say to beginners and people just trying to get into the sport?

J.  Stick with it cause anything is possible. Don't give up. It's bound to come around. It's the BEST time- you'll never get bored of it.

~P~ Any last words? People you want to thank?

J.  I'd like to say "YO!" to all my guys back home- Cory Stratychuk, Stefan Royer, Travis Collier, and Steve Fong- you guys rule!

~P~ Great thanks- you did awesome today- congratulations.

J.  Thanks.