Terry Adams Interview

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Terry Adams is one of the new breed of riders.  He is 15 (?) right now and pulled second place in the amateur class at the Louisville, KY X-Trials.  The Ride magazine that covered the event shows a picture of Terry going off on his 2-Hip and his style is definitely unique.  Terry throws down hitchhikers quicker than almost anyone that I have seen.  You also need to just sit back and be amazed when you see him do PEDALLING time machines.  He acredits this trick to Eugene Collins (the inventor) who is a friend who should be riding right now...  (Eugene!)  Hopefully he will be able to make it to a few more events this year.  He is another one of the new school riders that just seem to enjoy the sport more and more every time they ride.  He's super cool to talk to and was fun to watch ride.  Second place at ANY ESPN event is amazing... and Terry was more than deserving of the spot.  Going into the event most people knew that if he went smooth and Matt Wilhelm didn't go smooth then Terry would win...  Well... Matt didn't mess up at all which probably would have landed him in the top ten in the pro class...  Terry isn't complaining or worrying about second.   He's just riding.

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~P~  What's your name?

T.  Terry Edward Adams

~P~  How long have you been riding?

T.  Riding 3 1/2 years

~P~  You've gotten really good for such a short time riding… how?

T.  I rode a lot

~P~  How old are you?

T.  15

~P~  Do you go to high school?

T.  No I don't go to school

~P~  Home schooled?

T.  Yeah- My mom teaches me. I'm home schooled

~P~  So you get a lot of time to ride?

T. Yeah.

~P~  Do your parents support you a lot?

T.  Yeah.

~P~  Who do you ride with?

T.  Eugene Collins from New Orleans and Nicky, guy up there… real good, and Chris.. really good.

~P~  What's your favorite trick.

T.  Hitchhiker

~P~  Any particular variation or just in general?

T.  Probably barflip… or whatever. I like time machines a lot also.

~P~  What kind of bike you riding?

T.  2-Hip

~P~  You like it? You sponsored by them?

T.  Yeah I like it. They hooked me up with a frame and everything… gave me a couple of shirts and everything. To wear at contests.

~P~  How many B3 events have you been to now?

T.  3 or 4…

~P~  Is Wilkerson Airlines going to send you to any of the contests?

T.  Ummm… Probably not… He didn't send me to this one.

~P~  Not even your entry fee? You got SECOND place!

T.  I don't know… Maybe if I asked him.

~P~  Where do you think flatland is heading?

T.  Well, I don't know…. Andrew, and Marti and all of them those guys are bunny hopping all up in the air and spinning up in the air.

~P~  Is there anytime that flatland bike riding gets you down? What do you do when it does?

T.  You know… I just go out and bunnyhop the ant hill in my back yard… (laughs).

~P~  Chase or Trevor?

T.  Chase   (nobody has said Trevor yet)

~P~   What do you think of ESPN's coverage of riding… specifically flatland?

T.  I don't think it's that bad… I like it. They can't put that much on there you know. I guess.

~P~  What's the worst injury you've ever had.

T.  I broke my wrist box jumping. It'll do it to you every time.

~P~  What do you have to say to beginners just getting into the sport.


~P~  Any bikes they should buy? A GT maybe?

T.  Uh… (laughing) No… Buy a 2-HIP.

~P~  Coke or Pepsi?

T.  Either… Doesn't matter if it's being given to me.. I can't tell the difference.

~P~  What kind of music do you listen to?

T.   Anything on the radio really.

~P~  So your down with Opera and Country?

T.  Um- No.

~P~   See there… you're limiting yourself.

T.  Yeah.

~P~   How much dedication do you think it takes to get where you are today?

T.  Probably a whole lot. Keep riding.. after a certain point it just gets more and more fun and you want to ride more.

~P~   Have you won any of the contests you've enterred?

T.  A few.

~P~   Any of the B3 events?

T.  Not yet.

~P~   Is this your best finish?

T.  Yes… I also got second place at one of the events I went to last year.

~P~  You gonna go to Richmond in two weeks.

T.  No

~P~  NO?

T.  Well… maybe.

~P~  You're not sure yet?

T.  It depends on if I can beg my mom.

~P~  Any last word.. People you want to thank?

T.  I would like to thank 2-hip bikes, Play Clothing, Andrew Arroyo (Drew's BMX) and that's it… OH! And MY MOM!

~P~   Great- Thanks!