Since When Is Riding About Getting Hurt??
By Nick Merola

Recently I was in a chat room when two dirt riders started hassling me because I ride flatland.

They were saying the usual things like "flatland is gay" and "you can't get hurt riding flatland".

Those I have all heard before but this one kid asked me a question that I think made him sound like a complete moron. He asked me when was the last time I saw someone break a bone riding flatland.

Since when has riding been about breaking bones and getting hurt??

Let me get this straight, if you break your arm trying a trick off of a jump or a ramp that makes you a good rider? does that mean you have mad skills?

I thought you weren't supposed to get hurt.

Of course nobody is perfect and we all get hurt once in awhile, but that comes with the territory. Everyone falls, its all a part of learning. But I didn't know that getting hurt all the time made you a good rider.

Maybe I am completely wrong about this, but I might not be.

This kid and his narrow-minded friends can go on believing that riding is all about nearly killing yourself, but I am just gonna keep riding and try not to get hurt in the process. Thats how I THINK it's supposed to be.

If I get hurt I will think of it as a mistake, not something that makes me a good rider.

Its scary to look at what this sport is coming to, nobody gets along anymore, and all of a sudden one type of riding is better than another.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and if they like their type of riding better than the rest than that's great, its just their opinion, its not necessarily the BEST type of riding.

All I want to say to everyone who disses another type of riding is, have a little respect.

If we keep biting each others heads off than it will tear this sport apart.

Keep it real.

Thats all I have to say.