Today, I thought about where I see myself in 10 years.

I’ll definitely still be riding, but I don’t know what I’ll be riding.

I might ride street and dirt. I might ride vert. I might stick with flat. I might ride everything like those GT dudes. It all depends on what life throws at me.

I also thought about who I’d be riding for, either myself or someone else.

I thought about owning my own bike company, and right now that’s what I’m hoping to do. I really want to own a company whether I make bikes, shoes, parts, safety gear, skateparks, videos or anything that effects the BMX world.

What I really want to do is build a skatepark for bikers only and charge nothing (or close to nothing) to get in. I’d just pay off the expenses with donations from sponsors or something.

I’m also really interested in videos. Whenever I watch a good video, it gets me really pumped to go ride. I want to be able to pump people up (including myself) to go ride.

If I rode for someone else, I’d definitely want to ride for a company that I can support, a company that produces great stuff and has a good image. If I rode for a company right now, it would be Hoffman Bikes. They’re not one of those East Coast companies or one of those West Coast companies. They come straight outa Oklahoma. H*B has (in my opinion) the best frames for flat, street, dirt, race, and vert.

Right now, I have a Haro Mirra, but I don’t really like it ‘cuz the frame is to long. I want an H*B EP frame. The EP is an inch and three quarters shorter than the Mirra and has better flatland geometry, not to mention the adjustable brake plate on the seat-stay, which is genius.

Well, there’s my thought on where I’ll be in 10 years. This is just a few possibilities for my future.

In 10 years I’ll be 23. Man, that’s weird.

A lot can happen in ten years.

I’ll graduate from collage by then. I’ll have my own car.

Dude, I have no clue where I’ll be in 10 years.

All I know is that I’ll be on my bike.

By ~Dan~