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This trick is old school... and most people can't do them. They aren't easy and they CAN be combined with some new tricks, which probably means that most people don't want to spend the time figuring out how to do the trick itself. Combinations to/from Undertakers can be VERY similar to the combinations possible from a decade. You can hit an Undertaker from a Dump Truck or a Time Machine, or do an Undertaker to a Gerator or Cow Maneuver (Smith Decade).

Prerequisites for this trick include being able to do endos.

  • Start by rolling at a fairly slow speed with both feet on the back pegs and your pedals level, right pedal forward.
  • Do a small endo, grabbing both brakes hard- when the back wheel hits the ground pull the bike towards vertical as you would do for a Cherrypicker.
  • Quickly take your right foot off the rear peg and JUMP landing your right foot backwards where your left foot was standing. The inside of your right foot will be towards the tire and your toes will be pointed to the rear of the bike at this point. Your right foot will be on the left peg. You left foot won't be doing anything... Well, actually the trick is about a tenth of a second old so don't worry about that.
  • Continue to bring the bike towards vertical. Take your left hand off the front brakes and put it on the front tire.
  • THIS IS THE HARD PART- You can't hold the brakes with your fingertips and get any leverage when you do this so what you need to do is rotate your hand slightly and put your THUMB on the back brakes to keep them locked. Obviously, the better your rear brakes work the easier this is.
  • You are now facing the back of the bike and the bike is vertical... Get your chest out in front of the front tire and using the hand on the tire push the wheel across your chest so that the bike goes underneath your right arm. AT THE SAME TIME- put your left foot on the free right peg and then take your right foot off the left peg.
  • Now you want to take your left hand off the tire and grab the left grip. The front wheel should be on its way back to the ground.
  • Untwist the handlebars and put your right foot on the pedal that is already there and waiting. Put your other foot on the left pedal and ride away.... Easy!

This has been said before... Just because a trick is labeled 'old school' do not expect it to be really easy to do. This is one of the more difficult old school tricks to learn and is a lot of work for a trick that happens in about half a second. People seem to get more satisfaction out of a Gerator or a Funky Chicken... but in the end I would have to say that those tricks are a little easier than Undertakers are. Don't get frustrated, just practice until you get it.